Aston Manor
Aston Manor is an EMI Nursing Home, set in its own grounds in the Yorkshire town of Dewsbury, offering specialist care for those with more advanced Dementia symptoms and challenging behaviour. The home aims to provide the highest standards of care by treating every person using the service as an individual.
Each service user has a person centred plan which provides information on their needs and know how those needs can be met. The plan respects people's equality, diversity, human rights, dignity and personhood.
Our staff also make a personal history and lifestyle profile for each individual and encourage families to be involved in this process by telling them about what makes each resident special.
Our Manager, Angela Riley, and her staff have the appropriate qualifications, skills and experience for their roles. All staff are trained in Dementia Care and challenging behaviour.
Visiting hours are not restricted and we encourage visits from families. We have facilities for overnight stays for loved ones should the need arise.
We provide good nutrition by offering choices at mealtimes of wholesome foods which meet the needs and preferences of our residents. Drinks are available in the cafe at all times.
How to Get in Touch
Moorlands Road
WF13 2LF

The home has 32 bedrooms, all of which are en-suite, allowing residents their own space, which respects their dignity and encourages a degree of independence.
All our rooms are decorated and equipped to a very high standard, with television and telephone points. Residents are actively encouraged to decorate their room in whatever way they like, as well as bring with them personal belongings or small pieces of furniture to make them feel at home.

Aston Manor strives to provide a friendly atmosphere where residents can enjoy our range of facilities in safety and comfort:
- Day Care
- Own GP if required
- Own Furniture if required
- Near Public Transport
- Lift
- Wheelchair Access
- Gardens For Residents
- Bar/Cafe On Premises
- Phone Point In Own Room
- Television Point In Own Room
- Internet Access
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